For the kids:
-3 jungle gyms (1 baby, 1 medium, 1 big kid)
-4 slides (2 baby slides)
-sprinklers, 3 turtles and 1 circle
-4 BENCH swings, 1 baby, 1 handicap
-sand and pavement ground
For me:
-plenty of shade
-1 entrance
-trashcans in the park
-picnic tables
-bathrooms 5 minutes away (on the Southwest corner of the park)
-plenty of benches
Washington Sq Park is a great place to bring the kids. There is always something going on, whether that be a man making an intricate sand-art flower below the arch, a musician rolling in a piano to play for quarters, or a dozen-or-so kids splashing around the concave fountain. The girls and I love bringing our water toys down to the fountain (they aren't allowed in public pools), which is what brought us to the playground. The Washington Sq Park playground designed in the old plastic and painted metal architecture that dominated after the wooden era. The sandpit ground below the jungle gym provides me some comfort as I watch Lexi scale the outside ledge. The sprinklers are nice and don't overwhelm the rest of the park with unwanted water. The many surrounding trees canvas the park and supply ample shade. My only real problem with the playground is also one of the main reasons I love Washington Sq. Park: the large amounts of people. Even though the playground is gated, you can help but notice all the benches outside the park filled with people. There is lots of commotion which makes it hard to hear your little one. I prefer the fountain to the playground, but it was a nice way to escape the sun for awhile.
Out of 5



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